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Know the Cost

We gave our 2 grandsons both a pair of matching new leather sneakers last Spring. They were so happy neither of them took them off until it was bedtime. But the next day they forgot all about the leather sneakers and put on their old sneakers. I thought to my self, “I wish they knew how much things cost.”Snip20160306_2

The leather sneakers were not overly expensive, however young children don’t know about working hours, salaries, and taxes. Children receive gifts with open arms, but we know they can’t be expected to fully appreciate the sacrifices parents make to provide for them on going care and provisions.

Sometimes we behave like children. With open arms we receive God’s gifts through so many mercies, but are we thankful? Do we consider the price that was paid so we can live a full life?

The cost was expensive, more than “corruptible things, like silver or gold.” As we written in 1 Peter, it required “the precious blood of our Lord, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot”. God’s made word made flesh gave a all, a high price to pay, to make us part of God’s family.

When we understand the cost of our salvation, we learn to be truly thankful. In wisdom come to know “salvation is infinitely costly, but absolutely free”.

Truly, God desires us to “Know the Cost”. Share a time just this week when God blessed you richly beyond something you could ever hope to afford. Leave a comment, your share will bless another. Plus, I will write you back.

See you next Sunday.