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The Author is in the House

Truly is a joy to have so many friends and associate who share good books to read. At times, several friends read a book and then we get together to discuss the ideas the author has put forward. Without a fail, at least one person will raise a question none of us can answer. It should would be nice to ask the author.Snip20160228_1

Just think how different it is for those of us who gather to study God’s word. The Lord meets with us whenever we get together. No fees. No scheduling conflicts. No travel expenses. Also, we have the Holy Spirit to guide our understanding. One of the last promises the Lord made to the disciples was that God would send the Holy Spirit to teach them.

The Author of the Bible is not limited by time or space. God can meet with us at any time and any place. Literally whenever we have a question, we can ask with the assurance God will answer, though perhaps not according to our timetable.

When you open your Bible, ask the Author to open your mind and heart.

Truly, God desires us to “Ask the Author”. Share a time when you knew God was beside you as you read scripture . Leave a comment, your share will bless another. Plus, I will write you back.

See you next Sunday.