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Expose Ourselves

Several years ago an elected office in the local community was up for election. When a few neighbors gathered for a chat over coffee, one asked another would they consider running to fill the open counsel seat. Quickly they responded, “You know how people say they have too many skeletons in my closet to run for office? Well, I have a whole grave yard”. Snip20150920_6

Often, the most difficult inner conflict we have is our desire to be known versus our fear of being known. As people created in the image of God we are made to be known by God and also by others. Yet due to our broken and sinful nature, all of us have a past and short comings we don’t want others to know about. At times we use phrases like “dark side” to refer to aspects of our lives we want hidden. Additionally, we use slangs like “put your best foot forward” to encourage others to show their best side.

Truly the reason we shy way or avoid the risk of being known is we fear rejection and ridicule. However, when we discover God knows us, loves us, and is willing to forgive even the worst thing we have done, our fear of being known by God fades away. Equally, when we find a family of believers who understand the dynamic relationship between forgiveness and confession, we feel completely safe confessing our sins to one another.

The life of faith is not about showing only our good side. The full reality is exposing our dark side to the light of the Lord through confession to God and also to others. In this way we can receive healing and live in the freedom of forgiveness.

For each of us the voice of sin may be loud, but with God living inside us, the voice of forgiveness is louder.

Truly, God desires to know us fully and there are so many loving brother and sisters who need us to expose our full selves, just as they need us. Share a time when you know you let God all the way in knowing you fully. Leave a comment, your share will bless another. Plus, I will write you back.

See you next Sunday.