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Free to All

In an effort to assist people struggling to provide for their families during tough economic times, the church I attend created a program called “The Coat Closet”

Lightly used items are donated by church members or local companies to the “the Coat Closet” and weekly the doors are opened to people of the community. They may come and take home anything they needed as it is “Free to All” who come.

Every week the program is a huge success as far as the amount of goods people are able to pick up, it is even better for this reason: people discover how to trust in our God graces every week. The givers as well as the receivers. However, it is with great hope the receivers will grow in faith and become believers. Believing they too can take part in the greatest “Free to All” of all time; the gift of salvation

As we look closer, the items given to the church had already been purchased. They were then given without cost to all who simply asked for them. Likewise, eternal forgiveness for our sins has already been purchased. Our Lord paid the price on a cross 2,000 years ago. Rom. 3:23-25. the Lord continually offers salvation at no cost to all who simply repent and believe. Acts 16:31.

When we think about it, each of us is needy spiritually and only God can meet our need. Have we really fully accepted to heart what God offers without cost. It the world’s biggest “Free to All”? Salvation is free, but you must receive it.

Share with me an experience where you have witnessed the beauty of God’s free gift. Your share could touch another, plus I will write you back.

See you next Sunday,