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God works year round

This past July while visiting Scotland for the British Open in golf I had the wonderful fortune to meet a new friend from Australia. His name is Bernie. We met at the bus stop after arriving by train from Edinburgh, then proceeded to spend the entire day together.

MJ and his new friend Bernie of Australia met  for the first time in St Andrews, Scotland.
MJ and his new friend Bernie of Australia met for the first time in St Andrews, Scotland.

Bernie and I began the day taking pictures of each other on the several hundred year old Swilcan Bridge. We walked the entire St Andrews golf course following Bernie’s fellow Australian Geoff Ogilvy plus ate Fish and Chips for lunch. We even played 18 holes of golf two days later together in the wind and rain of Scotland.

Bernie and I have stayed in touch and will meet this June in our nation’s capital for the U.S. Open in golf. However, Bernie recently had the benefit of God’s working year round. The following was part of an email from Bernie just after new year’s, “I had a bit of an “incident” 10 days or so pre-Chrissy & ended up in hospital for a week – turns out I had had a minor heart attack in the preceeding couple of days & was building up for the big one that was going to take me out as it were. I had 4 stents implanted and looking forward to a complete recovery – no open heart surgery.” The Lord was watching over my new good friend.

You often hear media reports in which God gets the glory He deserves for something good that has happened. In the reading the Bible, it’s obvious that God should get the credit for parting the Red Sea to help His people escape from Pharaoh, even though Moses was the one who raised his rod (Ex. 14:26-27). All the Israelites and Moses gathered together and sang the Lord’s praises: “Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?” (15:11).

When something good happens, the Lord deserves the credit, for He is the source of all that is good. Give Him the glory. Aren’t you glad He works year round? It was God through the doctor who saved Bernie from above.

Seeing God at work should always put a song in our heart.

See you next Sunday