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His grace and mercy endureth forever.

Psalms 136 is an amazing chapter of scripture. The author writes a litany of many generations clearly laying out how wonderful God is. I want to share a brief analogy from my recent trip to St Andrews Scotland, the home of golf.

O give thanks for His mercy endureth forever.
O give thanks for His mercy endureth forever.

Golf is a game I enjoy very much. Truly there are many sports which provide significant emotional sensation when played well; Soccer, Football, Tennis, Field Hockey, Basketball, Swimming, Diving, Skiing, Volleyball, and on and on. Each of these sports require a certain or specific set of skills and abilities.

In contrast, most any body can walk up to a 6-10ft putt, address the golf ball with a putter and roll the ball into the hole to win a match. In many cases it might just be a visit to the local arcade or amusement area for Putt-Putt. The fact remains young to old, short to tall, the enjoyment of seeing the ball roll into the hole can be shared my many.

This past week as I walked across the 600 year old landscape which is the Old Course at St Andrews I thought of men and woman who had walked before me over several  centuries. Each of these individuals had the opportunity to pick up a club and golf ball ready to enjoy the thrill of playing this delightful game. The experience was there for me as I witnessed the Scottish links for the first time.

Then a different thought occurred to me. For generations within my family and yours we have had the soul saving message of Christ shared with us. We have listened to our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings and even friends share Jesus with us. His goodness and love has endured forever.

So while countless men and women have enjoyed the pleasure of a splendid game, nothing compares to the love of our Saviour.  He has protected us from harm and danger. He has blessed us with good health, shelter and provision for our families. His mercy and grace endureth forever. And it always will.

See you next Sunday.