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No call waiting needed

The other morning I called my wife’s cell phone with no answer and left a message. I then called our home phone. To make both calls I used Skype the internet phone service. Skype is a very important tool as I use often when I travel aboard.

I use Skype often when traveling aboard.
I use Skype often when traveling aboard.

Back to my call home. We use a privacy service to avoid unwanted calls. Thus, as I called our home line it was necessary for me to state my name and wait for my wife to accept the call from an unknown number. My wife did accept and I was able to greet her briefly as she and my son left for worship service. I really only wanted to let them know I was thinking about them on a Sunday morning. I know it wasn’t an important or urgent call, just one from a guy who misses his family. I admit it, I am truly pitiful.

Contrast this brief series of events about calling my wife with how I woke up this morning. Immediately I was able to say to the Father, Good morning Lord, thank you for rising me up another day. Let me do your will not mine and I thank you for being clothed in my right mind.

We always have instant access to our Father in heaven. There’s no phone service to screen His calls. No need for a decision on whether or not we should bother Him. No need to leave a message so that He can get back to us later. The psalmist reminds us, “The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry” (Ps. 34:15).

Dear Father, thank You that we can talk with You at any time for any reason. We are grateful for that privilege. Through prayer, we have instant access to you Father. Go now and give Him a call. There is no call waiting.

See you next Sunday,