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Prejudice, we can do better through Christ

I came across a recent study into the nature of prejudice which found almost everyone harbors biases, and these attitudes affect effect those who actively resist them. The study even said most psychologist say that much of our self-esteem comes from feeling better about ourselves than about others because of the group we belong to. Prejudice is not easy to overcome, even within the family of God.

Paul in his words to the believers instruct us today, saying that our speech and behavior toward fellow Christians should reflect our oneness in Christ. Instead of superiority and favoritism, we should demonstrate compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience toward each other. Truly above all, we should put on love, which is the bond of perfection.

In the body of Christ, no race, nationality, or class is better than another. Through the cross, Christ has made us one, and we are to treat each other with honesty, dignity, and love.

It matters not what race or gender, Rich or poor, or great or small, The God who made us is not partial He sent Christ to die for all.

Prejudice distorts what it sees, deceives when it talks, and destroys when it acts.

See you next Sunday.