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The eyes which never sleep

In the 1800’s Detective Allan Pinkerton became famous by solving a bunch of train robberies and discovering a plan to assassinate Abraham Lincoln while he traveled to his first inauguration. Being one of the first agencies of its kind in the US, the Pinkerton Detective Agency gained even more attention because of its logo. A wide-open eye with the caption, “We Never Sleep.”

What better feeling is there than knowing you are protected and secure? You feel peaceful when the house is secure and quiet as you drift off to sleep. You feel safe. But many lie awake in their beds with fearful thoughts of the present or dread of the future. Some are afraid of commotion outside or cannot rest because of worry over a rebellious child. Others are anxiously listening to make sure a seriously ill child through labored breathing.

These are the times when our loving God encourages us to cry out to the One who will neither “slumber nor sleep” (Ps. 121:4). Psalm 34:15 reminds us that “the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.”
Pinkerton may have been the original “private eye,” but the One who really has the eye that never sleeps is listening to the cries of “the righteous” (Ps. 34:17).

We can sleep in peace when we remember that God is awake.

See you next Sunday