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True Compassion

I was filling out an online survey when I came to this question: “What is something that is true about you that most people would not guess?” The answer is that I enjoy what would be referred to as “chick flicks”. I truly enjoy the ebb and flow of watching boy wants girl, girl wants boy, boy and girl miss it up, boy and girl find out how to make it right. I’m just a softie (sometimes to tears) when it comes to those kinds of movies.

The love Christ shares can't be compared to the stuff in movies.
The love Christ shares can't be compared to the stuff in movies.

The fact is it’s easy and safe to get emotional over fictional characters and events. But it’s a different matter to feel deep sadness or joy over real people and their needs. The new Book says, “our Lord wept for the lost of Jerusalem while they were lost and suffering without a true relationship with God”.

In the Old Book, “when Jeremiah’s people were drifting far from God and His love, he also felt the need to weep. He sensed the burden of God’s heart and the brokenness of his people. Weeping seemed the only appropriate response”.

As we see the condition of the fallen relationships and the lostness of the people, families, along with couples young and old who surround us, let’s ask God to give us a heart that mirrors the heart of the Lord. A heart that weeps with love for a lost world and then reaches out to them in love.

True compassion is love in action. Share how you have shown compassion outside of your self for another. Your words will touch another. Plus, I will write you back.

See you next Sunday.