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True independence first requires dependence

This morning I am like a kid in a candy store. I write to you from a wonderfully pleasant village in Cavaglia, Italy. For the preceding four days my splendid hosts have treated me to shopping, golf, amazing Italian pastries along with specially prepared lunches and dinners.

Declare your dependence on Christ.
Declare your dependence on Christ.

I share with you on this Independence Day 2010 letting you know I believe in my life making a Declaration of Dependence on Christ has opened the windows of heaven pouring our a blessing I don’t have the capacity to receive. Mal 3:10.

We live in a world today which has challenges at every turn for both young and old. In fact temptations and distractions attack our eyes and ears every waking moment. As adults the morning TV news and talk radio greet us every day with content framed from “If it bleeds it leads”. I personally cringe for the soul who has to say “Murder” as part of there occupation time and time again.

Our children genuinely lose their innocence earlier in life then my or your parents did. The advent of loose music lyrics and their depiction in music videos are an assault to their tender senses. Not all video games are harmful. However, playing cowboys and Indians with a cap gun is quite distant from selecting assorted armament in full graphic image in preparation to engage the enemy on Play Station 3 or XBox 360.

Poor Barbie of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s for school age girls is trying her best to remain relevant by changing careers becoming a “Computer Engineer”. Mattel the toy maker is hoping to send the message, “All the girls who imagine their futures through Barbie will learn that engineers — like girls — are free to explore infinite possibilities, limited only by their imagination.” I for one hope Barbie is successful in her new endeavor.

We must be actively engaged seeking Christ and depending on Him to lead and guide or souls. It is only through His love, grace and mercy can we gain Independence from this earthly world. As the hymn says, “What have I to dread, what have I to fear, leaning on the everlasting arms? I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, Leaning on the everlasting arms.”

Today, go lean on Christ. Go gain your life long Independence through declaring Dependence on Him. “Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 2:1)

See you next Sunday.