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A Really Good Life

A couple of weeks ago, I had to travel to California and back on business. On my flight out, I was pleased to receive and business class upgrade. It felt so good to be relieved of the smaller seating assignment. Plus, there was an open seat beside me. Perfect scenario for a taking a nice nap.

It came to mind, those behind me in their coach seats. It seemed right to invite someone to join me in a better
spot but was surprised the offer was declined. They wanted to stay in their own seats for various reasons: Not wanting to be inconvenienced with a move or feeling fine where they were came the response.

As believers in God, we have a significant invitation to extend: We’ve received a new life of faith and want others to experience it too. Many will want to do so, and others won’t. In John the first chapter verse 40 we read that Andrew had begun to follow God here on earth. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and invite him. Andrew and Simon came to know a wonderful new way of life with God and the precious promises: God’s forgiveness, continual presence, hope, peace, and a forever future in God’s presence.

If we want someone to know what God will do for us, let them see what God has done for you. Please share a comment of your good life with God at your side. I’ll write you back.

See you next Sunday.