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A Sacred Partnership

My wife Lynn as a pastor, has and will serve many women who are moms. She has called on them in the hospital and well rejoice with them when their precious babies  come into the world. She will counsel with anxious mothers and try to assure them God is watching over their rebellious teenagers. She will stand with mothers at the bedside of injured or ill children and feel their pain. And she will cry with them in their grief when their spouse, son or daughter has moved on from life. Snip20150510_2

Equally, the mother of the savior, also experienced times of joy and sorrow. What joy she must have felt when the her child was born! What excitement when the shepherds and later the wise men came to worship the new born child. What uneasiness when Simeon prophesied that a sword would pierce her soul. And what heart-wrenching grief as this mother watched her Son dying on the cross! But her seasons of being a mother didn’t end with that terrible scene. She rejoiced as the word of God made flesh arose from the grave.

Mothers, and all of us for that matter, experience many great joys and intense sorrows. But when we submit our lives to the Lord, every season of life can serve God’s eternal purposes.

Being a mom is a sacred and honorable partnership with God.

Truly, it is only as we celebrate Mom’s every where, we learn to love ourselves fully and thus all others. Share when have you seen your mom in full sacred partnership with God? Please leave a comment, I will gladly write you back.

See you next Sunday.