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Trust with all you heart

My wife and I have a blended family of five children. Two young men as bookends and three lovely ladies in the middle. We are also quite fortunate to be grandparents with two growing boys presently seven and four years old. WP Mil Ball

Our eldest son and the three daughters are all out of the home have either gained their education or are pursuing their first or second degrees. At the moment, our youngest son’s accomplishments have taken center stage. He has received a full appointment to one of the military academies.

Once again the breadth of the scripture “Trust in the Lord with all your heart…”, [Prov 3.5] has come to full fruition in our lives. But the same is true for everyone if we open our hearts to God. However, while we are bursting with pride for the dedication and exhaustive effort our son has given to his pursuit, we also realize the significant commitment an academy education comes with. Military duty. 

Therefore, if we refer back to the scriptures we also read, “…lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge God and the Lord shall direct thy path”, [Prov 3.5-6]. Your family and mine can take comfort in these divine words. It is with faith we can let go of our limited thinking, embracing God’s omnipotence. In doing so we can rest easy knowing the “paths” of all our lives individual and collective are directed by God.

If we look over our lives young and old, we can find times when we were certain our choices were the absolute best as we “leaned to our own understanding”. To a fault, we can share how often those decisions didn’t work as we thought they would. However, when God is given the lead, we can rest easy knowing all will be well. 

Truly, it is only as we “let go and let God”, we discover how faith in the Creator can truly be free of unneeded heartache. Share when have you given full control of a matter to God. Please leave a comment, your share will bless another. Plus, I will write you back.

See you next Sunday.


One Comment

  1. Thank you for this devotional. This will be my first Thanksgiving & Christmas wihoutt my mother. She passed away this past June after being sick for almost a year and in ICU for 68 days. Between myself, my two sisters and daddy, she was never alone in the hospital. We miss her everyday but know she is with her Heavenly Father now. We are so blessed to know she had a personal relationship with Him! Some days I have to cling to Gods word to be reminded of His peace and blessings. Thank you again.

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