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Are we there yet?

Why is this question known so well? I mean really, if there is any such thing as a global phrase, it may be this: Are we there yet? Literally generations of little children and some silly adult children like me have asked it. Those little children have then grown into adults who have to answer the same question. All the more reason I joyfully tell me son I hope he has three kids just like him.

How can we know if we have fully arrived in our relationship with God?

This year in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) we are studying the book of Genesis. As we research for foundation and read the other books of Moses, I wonder how many times Moses heard that question from the Israelites. We know before rescuing theses souls from slavery and leading them out of Egypt, Moses said the Lord would lead them to “a land flowing with milk and honey”. And God did, but first they spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness.

This was no typical or ordinary wandering for the Israelites. They were not lost at all; they were wandering for a very distinct purpose. After 400 years of slavery, the children of Israel needed to have their hearts, souls, and minds reoriented toward God. This was accomplished in the wilderness, but not before an entire generation had passed away because of their stubbornness (Num. 32:13).

In life, it sometimes seems as if we are wandering in circles. We feel lost. We want to ask God, “Are we there yet? Or more directly, “Am I there yet?” At such times, it helps to remember that life’s journey, not just the destination, is important to God. He uses the journey to humble us, grow us, and show us what is in our hearts. With God, It’s the journey, not just the destination, that’s important.

Share a time when you asked God, “Am I there yet?” I will write you back.

See you next Sunday.