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Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles

James, a “pillar in the early church”, recognized the great destructive power and the danger of an uncontrolled tongue. He was not alone. Men and women in many cultures have warned us about the need to guard our speech.

This bit of verse by an unknown writer says it well: “The boneless tongue, so small and weak, can crush and kill,” declared the Greek.

A proverb I once read wisely states, “A lengthy tongue, an early death.” Let me say the way I interpreted it: “Don’t let your tongue cut off your head.” A verse from Scripture expresses the whole: “Who keeps the tongue doth keep his soul.”

I can imagine James was right when he likened the tongue to a little fire that sets a great forest ablaze, or to the very small rudder that turns a mighty ship in a storm? (James 3:4-6).

I love Proverbs and the many disciples of the bible who wrote in a similar vein. We need these words of wisdom and knowledge to be applied in our reading and study of the word. Why? It just one day may insure we keep our own tongue’s out of trouble.

O Lord, help us to learn a lesson from the wise. Help us to hold our tongue and not let it slip. Wise is the person who knows what to say and when to say it. Share a time when you know holding your tongue was a blessing to yourself or someone you love. I’ll write you back.

See you next Sunday,