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Be anxious for nothing

One gift recently received by a family member was a cabinet with a bench for sitting. As you can imagine it had to be assembled. A cousin and I volunteered for the task as the family already had much to do preparing for the day.Snip20160103_1

Although it took a couple of hours, the cabinet with bench was much easier than expected. All of the fabricated pieces were preset with cuts, drill holes, and all the hardware for assembly necessary. The instructions were virtually foolproof.

Conversely, most of life isn’t quite this way. Life doesn’t carry with it simple instructions, nor do we find all of the necessary parts in hand. We face situations with no clear idea of what we’re getting into or what it will take to pull it off. We can easily find ourselves overwhelmed with difficult moments.

But don’t need to not face our burdens alone. God wants us to bring our challenge and opportunities: “Be anxious for nothing, but . . . let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God . . . will guard your hearts and minds through the Lord” (Phil. 4:6-7).

We have a God who understands and offers His peace in the midst of our struggles. The secret of peace is to give every anxious care to God.

Truly, God desires us to be anxious for nothing. Share a time when you could have left a matter with God, but instead kept it, but now you “let go and let God”. Leave a comment, your share will bless another. Plus, I will write you back.

See you next Sunday.