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God’s amazing Hand

As the teams at the Space Center used a new space telescope to see unique spectrums of light, technicians at one of the images. It showed what looked like the fingers of an open hand sparkled with colors of blue, purple, green, and gold. A believer share, it looks like “The Hand of God.” Snip20160124_5

The idea of God reaching out a divine hand to help us in our time of need is a central theme of Scripture. We read: “Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me.

The psalmist felt God’s divine help like a hand of support. Some scholars believe King David wrote this psalm in the wilderness of Judah during the terrible time of his son rebellion. David’s son conspired to dethrone his father, and David fled to the wilderness. Even during this difficult time, God was present and David trusted in the Lord. He said, “Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You”.

Life can be painful at times, yet God offers a comforting hand in the midst of it. We are not beyond the Lord’s reach. Truly God bears the world’s weight on mighty shoulders, yet holds us the children in the palm of the divine hand.

Truly, God desires us to lean not to our own understanding, but trust in the Lord. Share a time when you recently or in the past know God’s hand was there for you. Leave a comment, your share will bless another. Plus, I will write you back.

See you next Sunday.