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Do some marketing for Jesus

by Mark Jackson [MJ]

People in marketing have known for years that a product recommendation from a friend is among the most effective means of advertising. You already know large companies recruit consumers who receive free samples of their products along with the encouragement to recommend them to family and friends. One major US corporation regularly sends coupons and products to over 725,000 selected people called “connectors,” who spread the word to others.

Now let’s get down to some spiritual business. The gospel of Jesus Christ is far more than a product. It is God’s great mission for bringing people into a living, vital relationship with Him. But the gospel is conveyed most effectively by example and by word of mouth. Paul commended the Christians at Thessalonica for their exemplary living and their effective witness: “From you the word of the Lord has sounded forth . . . . Your faith toward God has gone out, so that we do not need to say anything”. Because the Thessalonians’ lives had been radically changed, they found it impossible to keep silent about their faith.

Many books on marketing train would be advertising professionals typical say, it’s human nature to talk about things that excite us. God’s grace and mercy are all the incentive we need to recommend our Savior to a friend.

If you want others to know what Christ will do for them, tell them openly and honestly what He has done for you.

See you next Sunday,


I know that if you trust Him and tell people about Him, all He has blessed me with, He’ll give to you.