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Fight when tired

The last Monday in May the US takes time to remember and celebrate the veterans and active service members. This tradition was begun in the last 1800’s.Snip20150524_4

My wife when teaching a lesson to our son noted the strength and character of a person and in particular an army is, “how it performs when tired’. This comes from scripture.

Another lesson about choosing those to fight was to send the soldiers to drink from a stream. The test was to see how they would drink from the stream. If they used the hand or lapped like a dog. You can imagine which members were selected to fight.

Well we can take this further, how prepared are we to fight for our God. David is a very good example. When the Philistine giant mouthed off about God, David stood firm and strong, making the giant eat his harsh words. 

Equally, we should know and love our God enough to defend our love of the Lord at any point in time. This will be your our personal measuring stick demonstrating our love and faith in the God of all creation.  Love the Lord with all our heart so others may see the God in us everywhere we go; at the beginning of the day or at the end.

Truly, it is only as we “stand for God even when tired”, we discover the true measure of our faith in the Creator. Share when have you stood up for God? Leave a comment, your share will bless another. Plus, I will write you back.

See you next Sunday.