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The poorest father

Recently I read a Father’s Day quote from author: Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance.

Now I know funny or happy Father’s Day quotes are preferable, but for such an important holiday, I lean toward the more serious. And this one clicks with me. Why, because my father was 8th grade educated and grew up during the Depression era of 1930’s. Think about it. I talk about real estate valuation all the time, getting the most out of a property and learning to make a profit when you buy. Most of this knowledge gained from an education never afforded my father. But of course, that’s not what this famous saying about fatherhood is talking about. It’s not about real estate. It’s about the legacy that a father leaves. It’s about the example he lives every day. The primary job of a father is to lead the family and lead it well.

Having become a grandfather I can see more clearly through my own son what a father needs to do. The greatest thing a father can do is to model love and service to others. People get tied into thinking successful fathering is about what a man can financially garner for his family. However, this is not success. Success is about the example a man sets for his family. My son is teaching his sons love and service come far above any material possession.

Interestingly, studies have clearly revealed the role of the father is critical to a child’s well-being. Our society wants to pretend fathers are disposable, that children, in fact, don’t even need a father. Yet research proves the opposite. Fathers are crucial.

Fathers give their daughters confidence. For a woman, when a dad loves her well and leaves her a legacy of love, it leads to a positive body image, healthy relationships, and the understanding it is safe to trust.

Fathers give their sons a standard for manhood. Our boys are hearing the culture tell them it is okay to be a biological dad but there’s no responsibility to be a committed father. But for them to understand who God created them to be, they need to have a daddy paving the way for them, laying the narrow path of responsibility, love and integrity.

A father demonstrates a right relationship with man and with God for his kids. This is the richest inheritance he can pass on. You can’t purchase it. You can’t borrow it. You can’t even “grandfather” into it. For the father who decides to model a life of service, he leaves his child with a blessed life, a great life. He sets his child up for success, excellence and divine favor. A poor dad who loves God and lives out truth in his everyday life is the richest dad of all, leaving a lifetime of blessings for his children.

Please share how your dad, step dad, grandfather, uncle, mentor or male role model in your life has left a “rich inheritance”. Your gracious share could touch another. Plus, I will write you back.

See you next Sunday,