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There are no wasted years

I know people who feel like they’ve wasted years of their lives because of poor choices. They spent years in a relationship that was toxic, years with an addiction, years at a job where they weren’t fulfilled. However, we have to realize, nothing we have been through is ever wasted.

Our past experiences, good and challenging have deposited something on the inside of us. Those challenges have sharpened us to help make each of us who we are today. When the enemy brings hardship into our lives, God has a way of taking that experience and turning it around for our advantage. We may think we’re at the top of the mountain or hit a dead end, but if we’ll stay in faith, we will see God begin to open up a new and better routes. God will put the right people in our path, the right opportunities, the right circumstances to move us forward toward our God-given destiny.

Today, let’s not focus on what’s happened in our past, focus on what God will do in our future. The Lord wants to restore our souls and revive your dreams. Keep believing, keep expecting, keep hoping because God has a new day for our future!

Have a Godly day.