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The workers labored faithfully

This past week has brought some interesting discoveries about my business. One of my most trusted team members has gone on to pursue her true passion. With the transition has come resuming some tasks I hadn’t done for two years.

Truly the most beautiful revelation to come this week was to discover how deeply the team member cared about my business. Now I knew she was outstanding, but Wow!

This math isn't quite what we're looking for in a faithful worker.

As the writer shares in 2 Chronicles 34:8-14, in an effort to repair the temple, numerous people were hired and given various assignments. Many tasks were delegated for efficiency. But all the leaders and team members labored faithfully. All allocated funds were exchanged for wages and materials in complete trust.

No words written or expressed could share my sincere and genuine appreciation for the high level of integrity my firm was shown. My team member shared that her work ethic comes from Col 3:23, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord.” With this mantra in mind, to labor faithfully was a breeze.

It can be said, we all try to do our best. But when we base our efforts in the word of God, how can we go wrong? Let us all labor faithfully, as my treasured team member, heartily, as to the Lord.

See you next Sunday.