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We all need quiet time

The world today is more “connected” and in some ways describes our 21st century experience of life. So many of us rarely go anywhere without a cell phone, Tablet, Reader, iPad, laptop, netbook or device some kind. Add in social media and we have become accessible 24 hours a day.

Find peace in the "green pastures ans still waters" of Psalm 23

There are psychologists who see this desire to stay connected as an addiction. As though we need another diagnosis like A.D.D. to justify a behavior? Okay, forget that tangent, I need to stay focused. Refreshingly, a growing number of people around the world are purposely limiting their use of technology. The idea of being a “tech-no” is our way of preserving time for quiet, limiting the onslaught of information into our lives.

You would be amazed how finding that daily time of scripture reading and prayer is essential in your walk of faith. This “quiet time” is a separation from distractions in order to connect with God. The “green pastures” and “still waters” in Psalm 23:2 are more than an imagined landscape scene. The words speak of our communion with the Lord, our souls are restored and lead in God’s path.

All of us can make time to meet with God, but do we? Try it. Start with a brief prayer for guidance, then read the Bible for a few minutes, and close with a short time of prayer which includes adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication for others. It’s so important to provide time each day to connect with the Lord, who is the source of our lives.

Time spent with God is time well spent. Please leave a comment on how you make time for God. I will even write you back.

See you next Sunday.