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A good life

Recently I read a blog which shared how philosophers ponder the thought of what is a good life and who actually has it or is living it? My mind went instantly to my adopted step dad, Norman Davis.

MJ and his adopted step dad, Norman Davis

My step dad is a gentle, quiet man who seeks no recognition. He lives with his wife of over 50 years; I call her Mom, completely in the care of God his heavenly Father. Dad quietly occupies himself solely with living out his Father’s will. Dad has a heavenly perspective. He often reminds me: “We are but travelers here on earth.”

Dad continues to live fully. However, I can imagine in time at his memorial service, friends will reminisce regarding the influence he had on their lives. Many will speak of his kindness, selfless giving, humility, and gentle compassion. He is, for many, a visible expression of God’s unconditional love.

My dad is a retired police officer and investigator. He has endeavored as a public broadcasting TV producer, a master model train builder, an interior designer, a professional craftsman at Framing pictures along with having traveled the world. My dad however, never has had what some would consider the good life, but he is rich in love for others and good deeds.

A writer once penned, “Which one is the possessor of heaven and earth: He who has a thousand houses, or he who, with no house to call his own, has ten at which his knock arouses instant jubilation?” My dad definitely has the “Good Life”! After all, we should know, no one can live the good life without God.

Please share how you live the good life with and through God. Your gracious share could touch another. Plus, I will write you back.

See you next Sunday,