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Tomorrow is National Honesty Day in the United States. It is a little-known designation for April 30, but an important one nonetheless.

National Honesty Day began in the early 1990s as a way to honor the honorable and encourage honesty. April 30 was selected because “April begins with a day dedicated to lying [April Fool’s Day] and should end on a higher moral note.”

The month of April begins with lying and rightly ends on a higher moral note.

Honesty Day is a good time to review the value of this trait according to God’s Word. Being honest is not as easy as it seems, but we do please God by striving for it.

We can get an understanding of honesty beginning with recognizing that God our ultimate example is truth and He cannot lie. Also, He hates falsehood. Beyond that, we must realize all lies have as their originator Satan himself.

For our part, we can use scripture as our guide: “A righteous man hates lying” Prov 13:5; love rejoices in truth 1 Cor 13:6 and speaking truth declares righteousness (Prov 12:17. Let’s make every day Honesty Day.

Help me, dear Lord, to be honest and true In all that I say and all that I do;
Give me the courage to do what is right, to bring to the world a glimpse of Your light. Amen

I would treasure a Comment of how you view being honest. I promise to write you back personally.

See you next Sunday,



  1. In my view honesty equals integrity. In life all you have is your word. If you are a follower of the most high Jesus Christ truth and honesty should be your guiding principles. Have I always told the truth NO, but since being saved I have done much better and strive to be better. I thank you for your series of Sunday devotionals. GOD BLESS you and all.

  2. Brian B. Brian B.

    Mark – you are so strong and true in all of your words every week…one can’t help but be filled with grace and hope from your message. Know this to be true: God is with you and speaks through you to all of us, and remember that in times of doubt.

    Still hoping to break through… have a blessed week!


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