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Humor in our Faith

One evening at the end of a bible study the pastor leading the session shared a funny joke with us. It began, three pastors were sitting in an empty lecture hall as others left for lunch.

One of the three candidly began, I am pleased to sit here with you my fellow brothers. I must share a challenge I struggle with from time to time. It’s taking a drink. As the leader of my congregation I know I must set the best example possible. But every now and then I can’t help but take me a strong sip or taste of liquor. I know it’s wrong. I have prayed to the Lord for help and forgiveness. But sharing here with you fine brothers at this moment means a lot to me. Thank you.

Well, now that you say it, another of the pastors began, I too have a challenge. It’s those beautiful young ladies. Just the sight of a new sister who joins the church gets me uncomfortably excited. I have to work hard to stay focused. I know it’s wrong to lust even in thought. I have prayed to the Lord for help and forgiveness. But sharing here with you fine brothers at this moment means a lot to me. Thank you.

A moment or two went by as the last pastor began to softly chuckle. After composing himself, he began, brothers I too have a challenge. I have struggled with it for years. Try as I may and even with prayer to the Lord I fail. I know it’s wrong and one day just maybe I will prevail. But the truth is, I love to “Gossip” and I can’t wait to get out of this lecture hall.

Let me tell you it was such a treat to hear our bible study leader tell this joke. The gesture from this leader reached each of us listening in a special way. We captured an additional part of his personality. Truly there is humor in our faith. What a wonderful way to share a teachable moment while poking fun at his fraternity of leaders. The Lord has a full range of emotions for us to experience. We know this because God gave us a full spirit.

Share how you have experienced humor in your faith walk. I would love to hear from you.

See you next Sunday,