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Now is not forever

“Just think how good your back will feel when it stops aching”, my wife would say. I received this gracious message from her once in the past as I recovered from a minor back pull. As a full grown man, practically any minor aliment or ache results in a some what dramatic reaction. Sure the advice helps mainly because I was incapable of focusing on anything other than my pain. And of course there is the wonderful personal attention which comes from sharing my woes.

Most pain will pass, Now is not forever.

Through the years, however, my wife’s gracious message has pulled me through some truly miserable situations. Whether it was the pain of a challenging ministry project or the misery of a drawn out cold, her words would remind me: Now is not forever.

The confidence we have as believers that God has something good planned for us is powerful. Suffering was not part of God’s original act of creation, but it serves as a short term reminder of what happens in a world where God’s order has been broken. It also motivates us to spread the word about God’s plan to redeem the world from the suffering caused by sin.

Although we cannot avoid pain and disappointment as in John 16:33, we know that it’s only temporary. Yes, some temporary sorrow will be relieved in this life, but all of it will be relieved when God finally and firmly establishes Heaven and the new earth as written in Rev. 21:1. Just remember, Now is not forever.

Share a thought when you felt a pain or challenge which didn’t seem like it would ever go away, until, you gave it to God. I would love to hear from you and promise to write back.

See you next Sunday,



  1. Nwakaego Agu Nwakaego Agu

    I agree totally with you. Its good to know that after all is said & done, we do have a glorious hope which is Christ in us. It is not all about what is happening now whether good or bad. We already have all that we need but need to learn to access and tap into it as we are sitted in hevenly places with Christ Jesus and are more than conguerors.

    Most of my challenges has been in the area of finances (don’t we all?) but when it seems like I will be swallowed up in my financial needs, God will open a door and make provision available or simply give me peace about the situation until He brings it to pass.

    Thanks for letting me share, now more than ever, I will like to do business with you.

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