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There are some good habits

By far the Summer season rings loud as my favorite. I love the long days where we all can put set aside some daily habits without feeling too much remorse. The longer days allow us all the time to take “the scenic route” revive our spirit and refresh our enthusiasm for life and work.

However, summer can also be a challenging time of bending too far our good habits. Certain structure tasks are good. They increase our efficiency and ensure that pertinent things get done. After all, we need to have fixed times and places for certain things or our world would be a hot mess. Creation is designed to operate on schedule, and, as part of it, so are we. We need sustenance and rest at regular intervals.

We sometimes hear legitimate warnings about allowing solid structure to turn into ruts. However, scripture indicates that having set times for certain things is good. King David expressed mornings were the perfect time for him to praise God and ask for His direction. And Daniel would pray three times every day. For Daniel, even the real threat of death wouldn’t change his routine.

So as we enjoy the long carefree days of summer, we must not become careless about spending time with God. Savoring spiritual sustenance is a habit for all seasons.

Those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength. —Isaiah 40:31

Please share how you fit in a few extra enjoyments during summer, without taking your focus from God. You words could very well help inspire another.

See you next Sunday,



  1. Ray Talbot Ray Talbot

    Hi Mark,
    Hope your summer is going well. It is always great to read your Sunday devotional, God bless you for this GOOD habit and taking time to write it. We ‘ve had a busy summer with starting a small machine shop in my Garage and business starting to trickle in, it has been a fun time. We have been doing a little gold mining in the form of dredging in the Rogue river. We haven’t found a lot but some to keep us interested.
    I just got home from church with Sharon, we sure enjoy the worship and the messages at church. It makes our week, and gives us another reason to continue in the Lord. Your commitment to God is also encourageing, so be encouraged my brother, God bless and continue blessing you and your family.
    Our love and blessings Ray and Sharon Talbot

  2. Brian Brian

    Mark – I love this post, like the others, because I have noticed personally that I need to get back on track with daily prayer and meditation. This is important to me as it keeps me out of the snares of the enemy, and gives me the strength of God that we all need.

    Many blessings for a safe and plentiful end to your summer!


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