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We have Resurrection and life

Those of us who are Christians we have read the Savior said, “I am the resurrection and the life”! Now, it’s one matter to make such a bold statement; it’s another entirely back it up. And back it up the Savior did by rising from the dead.

We have resurrection and life through our faith in God.

“If you believe that the Son of God died and rose again,” a writer penned, “your whole future is full of the dawn of eternal morning, coming up beyond the hills of life, and full of such hope as the highest imagination for the poet has not a glimmer yet.”

The Son of God died and rose again, and His resurrection is the very promise that God will bring our spirits up and out of our physical death; A thinking, feeling, remembering, recognizable spirit which will live forever.

Living forever means living out the thought of eternity which God has placed in our hearts; meeting again one’s believing loved ones lost through physical death; living in heaven without sorrow; seeing our Lord who loves us and gave everything to unite us to Him forever.

However, we can see a greater meaning here. Since we have this life and the next, we don’t have to “everything” now. We can live in bruised and achy bodies for a time; we can endure lack and challenge for a while; we can face loneliness, loss of love, and suffer for a season. Why? There is a renewal of life in heaven forever.

We can rest in knowing the resurrection is the foundation of our faith. Share how you have made it through a troubling time in faith leaning on our coming second eternal life. I will write you back.

See you next Sunday,