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What kind of tree

This past week, my wife asked for my help picking “acorns” for a graduate level class. Something about “care of the earth” where she wanted to complete an exercise with her fellow students.

Looking for acorns we can discover all the other types of trees.

As we walked towards several tall Oak trees we could see in the distance, looking for fallen acorns, we passed all varieties of smaller of trees. I began to think wantonly, what type of tree would I want to be?

One which, stands tall and proud, or one which sinks its roots deep into the earth. Would I want to be a tree content with natural beauty, or one which goes out on a limb for my location. I would want to drink plenty of water as to remember your roots. However, I would want to enjoy the view.
Sometime after we finished the walk I found Psalm 1.3 – He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.

In Jer 17.8 – He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.

What kind of tree are we? Where are our roots? Do we go out on a limb for others? Enjoy our daily life? Refuse to wither or give up in the bad times? Help others in whatever way we can?

Each and every tree made by God is beautiful and important. But, my prayer for each of us, is the Lord will help us be a sturdy birch, a towering maple or a strong oak tree, instead of a crab apple, a stinging holly, a shivering popular or a weeping willow.

What kind of tree are you? Where are your roots? Share your thoughts, please leave a comment.

See you next Sunday.