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Extra credit assignment

At times most of us tend to put our life’s activities in separate compartments. Our days are filled with tasks such as work, errands, chores, caring for our spouse, children or possibly parents. Then if we are even remotely wise, we try to fit in time for “spiritual” stuff like church, fellowship, small group bible study and certainly personal devotional.

Recently, as I read a passage in Psalms the separation I mentioned above didn’t exist. David and the other poets seemed to make God the absolute center of their lives making sure everything was related to God. To these folks, worship was the central activity in life, not something to get through so other activities could be addressed. Their process of letting God in on every aspect of life is one we truly need.

For us, the Psalms could become a step in recognizing God’s true place at the heart of our lives. The psalmists gave an urgency, a desire, and a hunger for God making our own look quite weak by contrast. They literally sought God with their tongues hanging out, as a tired animal pants for water 42:1-2. These folks laid awake at night dreaming of “the beauty of the Lord” (27:4). They would rather spend one day in God’s presence than a thousand years elsewhere (84:10).

It was “extra credit assignment of faith” which these folks aspired too. Maybe as we each read the Psalms, prayerfully some of it will rub off on us.

Let us remember, to have a heart for God, we must give our hearts totally to God. Please share how you could possibly put God at the heart of your life more. I’d love to hear from you.

See you next Sunday.


One Comment

  1. MJ MJ

    Hey Mario,

    You said it best, it is good be a Christian. With out the grace and mercy of God, where would we be.

    Blessings to you,


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