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Don’t mess with my money

Here is a truth, really want to get folks upset, threaten their economy.

More holders of public office have been voted out for a bad economy than any other reason. By comparison, Paul the tax collector turned apostle who threatened a downturn practically was kicked out of Ephesus.

The story goes something like this; Paul came to Ephesus as a part his ministries journey preaching and teaching of the kingdom. He did so and as a result many new believers evolved.

Seek God's Heart, not His hand.

However, Paul was a little too successful so to say. Formerly, the people of Ephesus worshipped a goddess by the name of Diane. The local silversmiths, who earned their income molding and marketing Diana statuettes, had a bone to pick with Paul. Should more people cease holding their faith in her, business inevitably would slow. Needless to say, the brotherhood of craftsmen grew hot under the robe when they looked at their future plight.

We may look at Ephesus as a reminder. We are to seek God’s heart, not God’s hand. The silversmiths sought to protect their worship as a way of protecting their income and lifestyle. Prayerfully, this won’t be said of us.

We worship God because of His love for us and because of who He is, not because loving Him can help our bottom line. Let’s worship God the right way.

Please share how you seek God’s heart over God’s hand. Your gracious share could touch another. Plus, I will write you back.

See you next Sunday,



  1. Ray Talbot Ray Talbot

    Hi Mark,
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Sharon and I worship the lord with our tithes and offerings. We have given to missionaries since 2003 and every time we increase our giving God seems to always increase our income. We love to see what God is going to do. and He hasn’t failed yet and we don’t expect that to ever happen.
    Mark I read your devotionals every time I get one and am always blessed . Thank You
    Our love and Gods best to you and yours.
    Ray and Sharon Talbot

  2. Steve Newell Steve Newell

    So true Mark. Thank you for your devotionals and Merry CHRISTmas!

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